dimecres, 28 de maig del 2008

El corte Inglés Discounts :D

Discounts in El Corte Ingles

dijous, 8 de maig del 2008

How to find Materials

1) What is "smart" searching?
Consist of knowing how to shift through the millions of accessible web pages in the fastest and most effective way to find what you and your learners need.
2) What are the most popular search engines?
The most popular search engines are google, yahoo and live search.
3) The websites that appear at the top of the results pages are there for several?
They are a combination of the most popular ones covering this topic and those whose owners have paid to appear near the top of the list when certain words are searched for.
4) Is it better to put more or less words into search engine?
The more specific you search criteria, the more likely the results will include something useful to you.
5) Should you include words such as the, in, and when searching? Why, or why not?

No, because the search engines ignore them.
6) What happens if I put a "+"/"-"before the information that I am searching for?
Placing "+" symbol in front a word means that this word must be on the web page for it to be included in the results and the "
-" symbol in front of a word means that no web pages with this word must be included in the results.
If I type "OR" between two words that I am looking for, what will the search engine do?
Placing an OR between two words means the web pages must include either one of these words or a both.
If I type "Angelina Jolie is going to marry Brad Pitt", what will the search engine do?
Placing a phrase inside double quotation marks tells the search engine to look for this exac phrase.
How do you limit the search to only one website?Such as the BBC?
You search criteria should be followed by site.
If I go to http://news.google.com, what type of information do you think I am looking for?
Searches only websites of news-gatherering organizations such as newspapers and TV companies.

dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008

I saw a UFO

Tagzania: kikofras

dijous, 10 d’abril del 2008

Reporting on a forum

  • What newsgroup is this?
UFO's newsgroups, alt.alien.visitors
  • Who sent the first message
RON, rsony@hotmail.com
  • When did he sent it?
06 March 1998
  • Where was flight KN162 going?
From Dallas to Fargo
  • What did the pilot see?
He saw an UFO
  • Who sent the second message?
Ben & Thelma
  • What was the object?
An UFO report, explanation of possible experimental flying military tests
  • Why do they think so?
'Cause most of the UFO's are saucer-shaped like the one that was crached at Rosswell
  • What did the coastguard see?
He saw 3 winged crafts over Cape Cod
  • What was he doing?
He was looking for a missing fishing board.